Start Ugly
Hey there sewing friend !
Welcome to the sewing community, where the only price of admission is a needle and thread. So many of us wait for the perfect moment or opportunity to take up sewing, sewing our dream wardrobe or home furnishings. But here's the secret, everything that is beautiful starts from something that's not. This is the heart of what I want to share with you today—embracing the philosophy of "Start Ugly." It's about allowing ourselves the freedom to create without the pressure of perfection, to learn and grow in a space where we can be as beautifully imperfect as our first uneven seams.
"Start Ugly" isn't just a catchy phrase; it's a mindset that encourages you to take the first step in your creative journey—no matter how imperfect that step may be. In the world of sewing, and indeed in any form of artistic expression, perfection often becomes the enemy of progress. By waiting for the perfect skills or the ideal project, we might never begin at all.
"Start Ugly" is about breaking down these barriers. It challenges us to pick up our needles and threads and make that first stitch, embracing every uneven line and mismatched thread as a valuable part of the learning process. When we start ugly, we start fearlessly, allowing ourselves to explore, make mistakes, and grow without the heavy weight of unrealistic expectations.
The power of "Start Ugly" truly shines when we look back at our first creations. I used “Start Ugly” in my first ever sewing project, a pair of pajama shorts, back when I was just a little ol' beginner sewist. At the time, I was so proud of my accomplishment, from picking out the fabric, threading the machine, and using an overlocker for the first time. Looking back, with a more experienced eye, twenty years down the line, I see all the imperfections. But, that makes me love them even more because of the imperfections, and it's only through progressing and persevering that I could see these, showing that the most important step to “Start Ugly” is to start.
This journey from our initial, rough stitches to the pieces we later create with more confidence and skill is a testament to the growth that "Start Ugly" promotes. It’s not about the flaws in those pyjama shorts; it’s about the courage it took to make them and the pride that comes with completion. Each stitch, no matter how crooked, is a step towards mastering the craft and finding joy in every creation, regardless of its imperfections.
Adopting the right mindset is crucial when starting on any hobby, especially one that involves creating something from scratch. In sewing, as in life, the perspective with which we approach our projects can dramatically affect not only the outcome but also our enjoyment of the process.
Embracing a "Start Ugly" mindset means recognizing that the journey is as important as the destination. It’s about learning to find joy in the act of creation itself—enjoying the hum of the sewing machine, the feel of fabric moving under your fingers, and the satisfaction of seeing a piece come together, imperfections and all.
This mindset encourages us to celebrate every small victory and learn from every mistake. By focusing on the pleasure and relaxation that sewing offers, we allow ourselves to remain passionate and engaged, turning sewing from a mere activity into a source of endless inspiration and delight.
In embracing the "Start Ugly" philosophy, we allow ourselves to embark on a journey of creativity and self-discovery without the limitation of perfectionism. Remember, every expert sewist once took their first steps with a shaky, unsure stitch. What matters is not how flawlessly we start, but that we start at all.
So, grab your needle and thread, choose a fabric that speaks to you, and just begin. Each stitch you make, each project you start, no matter how imperfect, is a testament to your creativity and a step forward in your sewing journey.
Let's celebrate where we are, learn from where we've been, and look forward to the beautiful things we have yet to create. Start ugly, start happy, but most importantly—just start !